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Retiring from Competitive Basketball in my mid-30's...
This reflection is deeply personal. It’s a glimpse into the struggle that’s inside my mind at this very moment and has nothing to do with business. This is all the narcissist, the self critic, the imposter syndrome.
From the age of 12 when I first picked up a

What's on my mind?
I’m sitting at my local coffee shop. I told myself that an hour ago I would start writing again, and this time I’ll be consistent. An hour passed and I’ve found every excuse not to write. So I told myself I would just start writing whatever is
The most valuable currency is Trust
Above all else, trust is the most valuable currency. There are countless ways in which you can measure someone’s worth – with the amount of money they have to their name, with how big their following is, with the likes they get, with other material successes. But if we dig
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